Why SME’s should work with Agencies

If you’re a small business owner and you’ve been wondering if an agency is right for your business, the answer is yes. Marketing agencies can help an SME meet their marketing objectives and achieve their goals faster than they would on their own. But with so many agencies out there, how do you know which one is right for you?

Marketing Agencies Have Industry Specialists Suited For An SME

A marketing agency will often have industry specialists. These specialists are people who know a massive amount about the digital and traditional marketing space within your specific industry. Often, they know more about marketing your products and services than you will.

We employ the kind of people who know exactly what needs to happen and how to make it happen, from start to finish.

Agencies such as The Lunn Agency have teams of people with diverse skill sets, including knowledge about what works in your niche and what doesn’t. You might be able to figure out some things on your own, but this takes time, effort and often wasted budget.

Additionally, when it comes down to making key decisions that could really make or break your product launch or marketing campaign, it makes sense to leave those decisions to someone who knows how to launch a marketing strategy.

Agencies can also act as a sort of translator between clients and their teams. If there’s something that’s confusing you about project management or communications strategy or anything else related to the process, they’ll help clarify any misunderstandings before they become problems later down the road.

Agencies Have A Proven Track Record

Working with an agency can also help you cut out a lot of the guesswork. Agency employees have been using marketing tools for a lot longer than the typical business. This means that they’ve been through all the growing pains, mistakes and triumphs necessary to develop their expertise. Past experience will allow them to quickly assess the needs of your business, while their knowledge base allows them to propose solutions that are most appropriate for your company’s goals.
In addition to this wealth of expertise, which is on hand at any given time, agencies tend to be more open-minded when it comes to thinking outside the box.
This willingness is especially important for an SME as many such companies don’t have big budgets or teams behind them. Working with an agency can help these firms realise their full potential by providing resources otherwise unavailable within their smaller organisations.


Agencies Can Help An SME Meet Their Marketing Objectives

  • They have a proven track record.
  • Agencies are experts in their field, and they’ve worked with hundreds of clients to achieve success. We know what it takes to reach the desired target audience based on the campaign goals you’ve set for your organisation.
  • An agency’s proven track record will give you more confidence in their abilities. When we deliver results, there’s a good chance that those results will lead directly back towards meeting your marketing objectives.

Agencies Bring Fresh Ideas And Expertise To Your SME

The first reason why it makes sense for an SME to work with a digital marketing agency is that we bring fresh ideas and expertise to the table. Agencies have access to a network of experts, which means we can draw on many different resources when developing your strategy and campaigns.

Marketing agencies also keep up-to-date with the latest research in areas such as conversion rates, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. We know what works for customers today, so you don’t have to spend time researching this yourself. This means that whatever strategy or campaign you decide on will be based upon up-to-date data from real customers instead of old ideas that might not work anymore.

Another benefit of working with an agency is that we will always be thinking ahead. We won’t rest on our laurels just because something has worked well in the past; instead, we’ll always be looking at how things are changing so that we can give clients better results than ever before.

Agencies Can Save Your SME Time And Money

The second reason an SME should work with an agency is that we can save you time and money. The most obvious way this will happen is by allowing the agency to do the work for you, instead of having to hire someone yourself. Bear in mind that it is very unlikely that a single employee will have all the skills, expertise and experience that an Agency team will.

Find An Agency That Is Right For You And Your SME

If you’re looking to work with an agency, you want to find one that matches all the way around.

Don’t limit yourself by thinking about the size of your business or how much money you have in your budget. The best agencies are always going to be those who match your goals and values.

Make sure you find an agency that supports the personality of your SME as well. You don’t have to work with someone who’s exactly like you. However, make sure they’re on the same page when it comes to working style and communication strategy.


With these tips in mind, you should be well on your way to picking an agency that will help you grow. We know that finding the right agency is a process, but it’s also worth taking the time to do so because having the right team behind you can make all the difference when it comes to marketing success.